Sri. Y.Ravichand

M.Sc, M.Phil, MBA.

YRL Educational Institutions Samalkot

Mr. Ravichand Yerramsetti an Researcher and Academician did his M.Sc in Biochemistry from Periyar university, Salem. M.Phil in Biotechnology from Bharathidasan university, Tiruchirappalli. M.B.A from Andhra university, Vishakapatnam. He worked as Research Scholar in Indian Council of Agriculture Research (ICAR) for 2 years & Later he worked as Project Scientist in Swaminathan Research Foundation kakinada for 2 years. The Vision and Mission of YRL Degree College is to provide Qualitative and Relevant Education to the Students, especially belonging to the Remote, Poor and Weaker Sections of the area. The College is now affiliated to Adikavi Nannaya University, Rajahmahendravaram, w.e.f. 2012-2013

The affiliating University prescribes Syllabus which is set in tune with the needs of the present students. The Departments in the College chalk out an Annual Curricular Plan which is a guiding principle for Teaching and Learning process. In YRl, each Faculty has the responsibility to mentor a group of students.

YRL Degree College, Samalkot is Offering Eight Undergraduate Courses i.e., B.Sc Honours in Computer Science, B.Sc Honours in Artificial Intelligence and Robotics, B.Sc Honours in Electronics, B.Sc Honours in Agriculture, B.Sc Honours in Bio-Technology, BCA Honours in Computer Applications, BBA Honours in Business Administration, B.Com Honours in Computer Applications.

Feedback on Curriculum is collected from Students and Staff. With a view to developing awareness among Students, issues like Gender Equality, Eco-Consciousness, Human Values, Technical and Soft Skills, Community Service are made a part of the Academic Transaction in the College.

Activities in and out of the Campus

At the beginning of every Academic Year establishes a number of Committees which supervise the Academic Transaction and other Activities in and out of the Campus. The Clubs / Cells established in the Institution – Women Empowerment Cell, Eco Club, Red Ribbon Club, Y.R.L, Consumer Club, Career Guidance Cell, and Placement Centre – organizing various and varied activities in order to realize our Objectives.