College Infrastructure


YRL College of Arts, Science & Technology is a curtain raiser to a new trend in the Higher Educational area by being the First Degree College in Samalkot. The College houses all well maintained Amenities within a quiet and beautiful Campus affiliated to AdiKavi Nannayya University, Rajamahendravaram. YRL is established with the best infrastructure facilities – which includes Laboratories, Library, Large Class Rooms, Seminar Hall, Internet facility, Reading Room, Guest Room, and R O Plant for Drinking Water. A seminar hall of 300+ seating and a Computer lab equipped with 50 Systems with Lan and Wi-fi facility. Our Laboratories allow students to delve into the depths of subjects. Practical work with state-of-the-art equipment benefits the Students. YRL library resources used to enhance the Teaching-Llearning process. Our Faculty is advised to use Reference Books and Journals for updating student Skill and Knowledge. YRL College at the beginning of every Academic Year establishes a number of Committees which supervise the Academic transaction and other Activities in and out of the Campus. The Clubs / Cells established in the Institution – Women Empowerment Cell, Eco Club, Red Ribbon Club, Y.R.L, Consumer Club, Career Guidance Cell, and Placement Centre – organizing various and varied activities in order to realize our objectives.